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Month: Apr 2022

Microsoft Compliance Configuration Analyzer

Microsoft Compliance Configuration Analyzer In this short post, we will look at MCCA (Microsoft Compliance Configuration Analyzer). MCCA is a PowerShell-based tool that exports your current Microsoft 365Complaince configuration and validates them against Microsoft 365’s recommended best practices. Some of the controls which forms part of the best practices include regulations and standards for data…

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Block Internet Access on Azure VM using NSG (Network Security Group)

Block Internet Access on Azure VM using NSG (Network Security Group) In this short post, we will look at a quick way to Block Outbound Internet traffic for an Azure VM or Subnet. To restrict your users from accessing the internet and potentially accessing harmful sites. To get started we need to create a new…

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Deploy Azure Automation Update Management

Deploy Azure Automation Update Management In this post we will deploy Azure Automation Update Management to managed updates on both Azure and On-premises Servers. The solution caters for Linux and Windows Servers. This above reference architecture illustrates how to design a hybrid update management solution to manage updates on both Microsoft Azure and on-premises Windows…

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Verify alert settings for restricted user in Microsoft 365 Defender.

Verify alert settings for restricted user in Microsoft 365 Defender. The default alert policy for restricting users from sending emails will automatically notify admins when a user is blocked from sending outbound mail. In this post we will look at how we can modify this alert policy. Verify alert Policy To verify current policy, head…

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How to Unblock a User if they were blocked from sending emails in Microsoft 365

How to Unblock a User if they were blocked from sending emails Microsoft 365 Users in your organization might get blocked from sending emails in Microsoft 365 if they exceed one of the outbound sending limits or inbound spam policies. If a user is added to the restricted user list, they will receive the following…

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