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Set-CalendarProcessing: ResourceDelegates can only be enabled on resource mailboxes.

Microsoft Exchange Error: ResourceDelegates can only be enabled on resource mailboxes.


During the process of adding additional Room Mailbox resource delegates, I received the following error: Resource Delegates can only be enabled on resource mailboxes.

This is an pretty straight forward error to resolve, in the current environment where I am facing this error is when a “Resource Mailbox” has been migrated from Domain A to Domain B. The migration tools being used is Quest Migration Manager for Exchange link:, pretty good tool but that is for another day.


To resolved the error we first need to verify if the migrated mailbox still has the RecipientType as Room, To do this we need to run the following cmdlet in EMS.



From the results provided we can see that the Mailbox Type is no longer a RoomMailbox, so to change this we need to remove the LinkedMailboxMasterAccount. To do this task we need to run the following cmdlet.



Once the cmdlet has completed, we can verify the Mailbox Type again by running the previous cmdlet.





Now we can see that the Mailbox Type is now changed to UserMailbox, in order for the Resource Delegation to work the mailbox needs to be a resource mailbox. So we need to set the Type of the Mailbox to Room. To complete this task we need to run the following cmdlet.





Now that the Mailbox Type has been changed to Room, let go ahead and add the new Resource Delegate in Exchange Console.


Adding of the additional delegate added successfully with out any errors.


Sharing is caring!

Published inExchange 2010PowerShell

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