How to configure Exchange 2016 Internal and External Url’s
Let’s look at how we can configure the Exchange 2016 Internal and External Url’s.
To get started we first need to verify what the current URLs is and then go ahead and modify them.
The following can be used to get the current URL’s used.
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Get-OutlookAnywhere |Select InternalHostName,ExternalHostName |
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Get-OWAVirtualDirectory |Select InternalURL,ExternalUrl |
1 |
Get-ECPVirtualDirectory |Select InternalUrl,ExternalUrl |
1 |
Get-OABVirtualDirectory |select InternalUrl,ExternalUrl |
1 |
Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory |select InternalUrl,ExternalUrl |
1 |
Get-MapiVirtualDirectory |Select InternalUrl,ExternalUrl |
1 |
Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory |Select InternalUrl,ExternalUrl |
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Get-ClientAccessServer |Select AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri |
As we can see the newly added Exchange 2016 server does not have the correct URL’s configured, to configure these URL’s we can you the following and run it the Management Shell.
Let’s start by configuring the Internal and External Hostnames for Outlook Anywhere.
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Set-OutlookAnywhere -Identity "TCLEX16-01\Rpc (Default Web Site)" -InternalHostname -ExternalHostname -ExternalClientsRequireSsl:$false -DefaultAuthenticationMethod NTLM -InternalClientsRequireSsl:$false -SSLOffloading:$true |
Let’s run the following to verify the new Internal and External Host Names
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Get-OutlookAnywhere |select InternalHostName,ExternalHostname |
Now let’s move on and configure the URL’s for the OWA virtual directory.
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Set-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity "TCLEX16-01\owa (Default Web Site)" -InternalUrl -ExternalUrl -DirectFileAccessOnPublicComputersEnabled:$false |
Let’s verify the newly created URL’s for OWA.
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Get-OwaVirtualDirectory |select Name,InternalUrl,ExternalUrl |
Run the Following to set the URL’s for ECP
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Set-EcpVirtualDirectory -Identity "TCLEX16-01\ecp (Default Web Site)" -ExternalUrl -InternalUrl <a href=""></a> |
Run the following to set the URL’s for OAB
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Set-OabVirtualDirectory -Identity "TCLEX16-01\OAB (Default Web Site)" -InternalUrl -ExternalUrl <a href=""></a> |
Run the following to set the URL’s for Web Services
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Set-WebServicesVirtualDirectory -Identity "TCLEX16-01\EWS (Default Web Site)" -InternalUrl –ExternalUrl |
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Get-WebServicesVirtualDirectory |Select InternalUrl,ExternalUrl |
Run the following to set the URL’s for MAPI
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Set-MapiVirtualDirectory -Identity "TCLEX16-01\mapi (Default Web Site)" -InternalUrl -ExternalUrl <a href=""></a> |
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Get-MapiVirtualDirectory |Select InternalUrl,ExternalUrl |
Run the following to set the URL’s for ActiveSync
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Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory -Identity "TCLEX16-01\Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync (Default Web Site)" -InternalUrl -ExternalUrl |
1 |
Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory |Select InternalUrl,ExternalUrl |
Run the following to set the URL’s for ClientAccessService
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Set-ClientAccessService -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri -Identity TCLEXCAS01 |
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Get-ClientAccessService |Select Identity,AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri |
If you are like me and always looking for a quicker way to configure these services then you can use the following script created by PAUL from Practical 365 and can be downloaded from the TechNet website.
Configure Exchange 2016 URL’s By Paul Cunningham:
To sum it all up, in this post I have looked at have to configure Exchange 2016 Url’s using powershell.
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