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Month: Jun 2017

Error Removing Mailbox Database

Error Removing Mailbox Database: This Mailbox database contains one or more mailboxes. When you try and remove an “Exchange Mailbox Database” you received the following error: “This mailbox database contains one or more mailboxes, mailbox plans, archive mailboxes, public folder mailboxes or arbitration mailboxes. To get a list of all mailboxes in this database, run…

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Create Exchange Mail Contact using Powershell

Create Exchange Mail Contact using Powershell How to create an Exchange Mail Contact using Powershell one liner. To create the new Mail Contact run the following in Exchange Shell.

  Quick and easy . #ThatlazyAdmin

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Remove Exchange Mailbox Move-Request

Remove Exchange Mailbox Move-Request using PowerShell   Lets look at how to remove Exchange Mailbox Move-Request with PowerShell.

This will list all current Mailbox Move-Requests InProgress and Completed. To remove run :

Lets looks at combining the “Get” option and only show “Completed” Move-Requests and then remove the “Completed” Move-Requests.

There you…

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Set Receive and Send size limits Exchange PowerShell

Set Mailbox Max Send and Max Receive limits Lets have a quick look at a one liner to set user mailbox send and receive size limits in Exchange Powershell.  

Now lets look at finding all users with “MaxSendSize” limits greater than “5 MB”


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Add and Remove Distribution Group Members Powershell

Add and Remove Distribution Group Members Powershell   Lets look at some quick Powershell one liners to Remove and Add Distribution Group Members. Add DistributionGroup Member:

Remove DistributionGroup Member:

  Quick and Simple One liners.   #ThatLazyAdmin

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Remove Exchange 2010 Inbox Rules

Remove Exchange Inbox Rules using PowerShell Lets look at a quick way to view , remove and disable user inbox rules. First lets get  list of inbox rules for a user by running the below:

To disable one of the Inbox Rules run the following:

Next lets view the description of the Inbox…

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Set Office 365 Out Of Office using PowerShell

Set Office 365 Out Of Office Messages using PowerShell Connect to Office 365 PSSession using a script a created to simplify the connection :Connect-Office365-PSSession  

Images when script is executed Very simple and straight forward script to quickly and easily set OOF messages. TechNet Script can be downloaded here :SetO365OOF #ThatLazyAdmin

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