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Exchange Mailbox has “Empty HomeMDB attribute”

Exchange Mailbox has “Empty HomeMDB attribute”

After doing an Mailbox Move one of Mailboxes ran into an issue where it lots its “HomeMDB” attribute. How do we resolve this ?

There is a quick and easy fix to resolve this , to start we need to open “ADSI Edit” . Select “Default naming context

Once connected navigate the active directory object of the mailbox , the right click and select properties.

As you can see the “homeMDB” attribute is empty , to resolve the current issue at hand we need to populate the value with the “DistinguishedName” of the “Mailbox Database” where this mailbox is residing on.

Once the value has been populated click on Ok then Apply and then Ok again.

Just wait for our Active Directory replication to do its job. 🙂 .

To verify , let see if we can get our Mailbox in Exchange and verify that its got the correct DB listed.

and there you go .



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Published inActive DirectoryADSI EditExchange 2010Exchange 2013Exchange 2016Exchange ServerPowerShellWindowsWindows Nano ServerWindows Server 2008Windows Server 2012

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