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Category: Azure

Azure Conditional Access Policy to Allow access to Office 365 from a certain Country only

Azure Conditional Access Policy to Allow access to Office 365 from a certain Country only In this post, we will go through the setup of an Azure Conditional Access policy to Allow access to Office 365 portal and apps only from allowed location. To get started we need to navigate to the Azure Admin Portal:…

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How to create a new Azure virtual machine using Azure PowerShell and Azure CLI

How to create a new Azure virtual machine using Azure PowerShell In this post, we will look at how to deploy a new Azure virtual machine using Azure PowerShell. In this post we will also look at creating a new VM using the Azure CLI. To get started we ned to start by installing the…


Configure Azure AD Connect Pass Through Authentication

Configure Azure AD Connect Pass Through Authentication Azure pass-through authentication allows user to login to cloud and on-premise applications by using the same passwords. Pass-through authentication validated the password against the on-premise active directory. Prerequisite needed: Global Admin account Azure AD Connect 1.1.750.0 or later Windows Server 2012 R2 or later with TLS 1.2 enabled…

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Block Office 365 Sign-In based on On-premise Active Directory Security Group.

Block Office 365 Sign-In based on On-premise Active Directory Security Group. The purpose of this guide is the assist support staff to block access to multiple accounts that has been compromised. To get started, login to Azure Active Directory Portal. 1 From the Main menu, click on Azure Active Directory on the left-hand side.…

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Installing Windows PowerShell on Mac

Installing Windows PowerShell on Mac To get started we need to download the PowerShell Module for OSX from the following website: Now that we have the install file, we can simply click on the .pkg file to start the installation. The installation is very simple and straight forward. Once the setup window appears click…

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