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Exchange 2013 Uninstall Failed : Setup can’t continue with the uninstall because the RFExchConn (2236) has o pen files.

Setup can’t continue with the uninstall because the RFExchConn (2236) has o
pen files. Close the process, and then restart Setup.


During the uninstall process i was presented with the following error message.

To try and resolve this , lets have a look at the log which was been generated . looking at the logs there is not much to find except the same error message .

With not much help on the log file 🙂 , so i moved on to the current running processes and looked for this evil villain called “RFExchConn”. Going through the list i found the dead beat.

As i was in the process of removing Exchange i might as well remove this connector 🙂 . After removing the villain from my Disney fairy tale , i restarted the uninstall process with much smiles and happy ever afters .




Sharing is caring!

Published inActive DirectoryCommand PromptedExchange 2013Exchange ServerPowerShellWindowsWindows Server 2012

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